英日字典: find_out
The find_out has 4 Senses.
- find, ascertain, find out, determine
- 見付ける, 突きとめる, 見付け出す, 見つけ出す, 見付出す, 見出す, 見いだす, 解明, 突止める, 見出だす, 見い出す, 見つける, 見つけだす, 突き止める
- establish after a calculation, investigation, experiment, survey, or study; "find the product of two numbers"; "The physicist who found the elusive particle won the Nobel Prize"
- 計算、調査、実験、調査または研究の後に確立する
- hear, get wind, get word, see, get a line, find out, pick up, discover, learn
- わかる, 見取る, 見付ける, 発見, 分る, 看取, 見て取る, 覚る, 理解, 見出す, 気づく, 思い至る, 気付く, 了得, 見いだす, 分かる, 察知, 観取, 見出だす, 見い出す, 見つける, 知る, 了する, 判る
- get to know or become aware of, usually accidentally; "I learned that she has two grown-up children"; "I see that you have been promoted"
- 知る、気がつく、通常偶然に
- see, ascertain, find out, check, watch, determine, learn
- 確める, みる, 見極める, 見る, 見定める, 見さだめる, 見とどける, 確かめる, 確認
- find out, learn, or determine with certainty, usually by making an inquiry or other effort; "I want to see whether she speaks French"; "See whether it works"; "find out if he speaks Russian"; "Check whether the train leaves on time"
- 通常調査したりその他の試みによって、解明したり、分かったり、あるいは確信を持って決定したりする
- catch out, find out
- 発見, 見出す, 捜し当てる, 探り出す, 見出だす, 見い出す, 見つける
- trap; especially in an error or in a reprehensible act; "He was caught out"; "She was found out when she tried to cash the stolen checks"
- 陥れる
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